Estos son los 15 Libros gratuitos más populares sobre educación
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No hace falta buscar libros piratas en internet cuando Amazon o el proyecto Gutenberg tienen miles de libros gratuitos ya sea porque sus autores los publicaron sin costo o porque ya expiró el periodo de protección de derechos de autor.
Los siguientes son los 15 libros gratuitos sobre educación más populares en amazon:
Ranking | Ebook | Autor | Link descarga ebook gratis |
1 | Buddhism: Beginner’s Guide: Bring Peace and Happiness To Your Everyday Life (Positive Psychology Coaching Series Book 5) | Ian Tuhovsky | |
2 | Body Language Habits Of Effective Leaders: Instilling Confidence Through Leadership Using Non-verbal Communication | Amy Larson | |
3 | Fairy Tale Calculus: The Derivative | Sarah Allen | |
4 | High School Math The Easy Way: Simple Strategies for Homeschool Parents In Over Their Heads (Coffee Break Books Book 30) | Lee Binz | |
5 | Perfectly Incorrect: Why The Common Core Is Psychologically And Cognitively Unsound | Terry Marselle | |
6 | Algebra – The Very Basics | Metin Bektas | |
7 | Homeschooling Survival Guide: Homeschooling Information and Practice for Grades K through 8 (Testing Survival Guide Book 22) | Testing Mom LLC | |
8 | Life Coaching: Become a Proficient Life Coach and Make an Impact to People with Powerful Leaderships Skills (Life Coaching, life coaching training, life coaching books) | Andrew Walker | |
9 | Four Seasons of Creative Writing: 1,000 Prompts to Stop Writer’s Block (Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging and Beating Writer’s Block) [Kindle Edition] | Bryan Cohen | |
10 | 223 Amazing Science Facts, Tidbits and Quotes | Tasnim Essack | |
11 | Memory Improvement & Brain Training: Unlock the Power of Your Mind and Boost Memory in 30 Days | Speedy Publishing | |
12 | Improve Your Concentration and Get Better Grades, With R-21: For Ages 6 through 9 Years | C. Ingram ECE | |
13 | Division and Multiplication for Beginners: For Kindergrten, First Graders and Older | C Ingram ECE | |
14 | ESL Lesson Plans: An ESL Teacher’s Essential Guide to Lesson Planning, Including Samples and Ideas | Janie Espinal | |
15 | The Science of Human Nature A Psychology for Beginners | William Henry Pyle | |
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